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Counter popup doesn't work on HTTPS site

I've implemented Share42 on the blog pages of a Drupal site (https://www.oregoncommunitycu.org/news-events/blog/congratulations-ace-award-winners). Works great on staging, but in production the counter pop-ups never show up. The only difference between the two is staging is running under HTTP, while the production site is running under HTTPS/SSL.

Carl Steinhilber , 16.05.2013, 16:14
Idea status: under consideration


Carl Steinhilber, 16.05.2013, 16:43
I switched the calls to the Facebook and Twitter APIs to use https in the .js file, and the Facebook counter now appears to work... but the Twitter counter still does not.
Carl Steinhilber, 16.05.2013, 16:54
Hmmmm... a little research on Twitter and I discovered that the URL for the Twitter count API is not for public use. Twitter support actually uses the term "forbidden"... though I don't know how strictly they watch it.


"Sorry, we don't allow usage of that endpoint in any other contexts than the Tweet Button. If the counts are important to display on your site, you'll either need to use the official Tweet Button or count the tweets yourself using the Streaming API and provide your own counts."

I would suggest Share42 use the Streaming API instead of http://urls.api.twitter.com/1/urls/count.json.
For one, it's the "proper" way to get the data. And two, http://urls.api.twitter.com/1/urls/count.json doesn't work over HTTPS (certificate error in retrieving).

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